Founded in partnership with Accenture Federal Services, NSBE DC AMP is a new initiative by the National Society of Black Engineers Washington DC Professionals Chapter is designed to help push minority engineers through the barriers they may with ranging from getting into engineering to providing support for layoffs. NSBE DC AMP's goals are to expose, amplify, and highlight Minority Professionals in and on the way to the DMV region to our partners and networks.
We envision a world in which engineering is a mainstream word in homes and communities of color, and all Black students can envision themselves as engineers. In this world, Blacks exceed parity in entering engineering fields, earning degrees, and succeeding professionally.
The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE Professionals) is to increase the number of culturally responsible students who excel academically to also succeed professionally and thereby make a positive impact in the community.
Develop & highlight relevant technical and professional skills in demand to point you in the right direction
Provide key feedback and resume support to help position you for the best positions possible and directly connect you to partners
*Collegiate students, laid off engineers, and NSBE Members receive priority
Promote awareness of your skillset to our partners and the opportunities for the black community in the professions
It is now more important than ever for people of color to be given access to opportunities to showcase their talent and entrepreneurial spirit. Even during times of layoffs and pandemics,
NSBE is working hard to support our 20,000+ members.
Do your part to help build and sustain your future by helping us sustain ours!
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